If you want to get your GCE O/L and A/L Reasults Certificate normally you need to get to the department of examination where located in Sethseirpaya Battaramulla.
If you are staying far away from Battaramulla it may tak one or two days to get this certificate which cost lots of traveling expenses and valubale time. In here you are going to get know an easy way to get this original certificate online.
The process of getting your education certificate is as bellow
By doing steps which mention and provide the necessary information and select the payment method which you can do do it easily.

Steps to Get your Education Certificate Online Sri Lanka
Step 1: Visit the Examinations Department’s website and then click “Request for certificates“
Step 2: Enter your National Identity Card (NIC) number, mobile phone, and the email address then you will receive a message to your phone and enter that passcode sent to the mobile phone/email address.
Step 3: After that, you need to put the following information here.
Name of the Examination:
Candidate Number (Examination Admission Number):
Step 4: Check that your name appearing on the website is correct because this will be printed on your certificate.
Step 5: Enter the type of certificate required and the number of copies which you want to get.
Step 6: As displayed payment method pay the money to get the certificate. and confirm the method of obtaining the certificate to you.
Once you pay the payment you may able to get this certificate within two to three days maximum.
You can get your GCE Ordinary Level and Advanced level certificate through registered post.
If you want to get a certificate for providing to any foreign embassy or foreign job, you can also select the kind of certificate to get on that format through online too.