The interest free loan scheme has been introduced by the Sri Lanka government to aid and expand the higher education opportunities for the student who are unable to get enroll in to state universities after GCE Advanced Level examination. This is one of the great initiative government starts to enhance to rate of higher education in Sri Lanka.
This program is use to implement to study following degree programmes in Non-State Higher Education Institute for the students who qualified in G.C.E (A/L) 2017.
Minimum Qualification Required for Admission for grant Interest free student Loan Scheme:
Candidate should complete at least simple passes (S) in Advanced Level 2017 for all three subjects in one and same sitting and not exceeding three sittings and minimum of 30 marks for common general test.
Rs 800,000 maximum interest free loan provide under this scheme and the loan payment period is 8/7 years after completing the degree of 2/4 years respectively and additional one year grace period. Any payment should not be made during the study period and one year grace period.
List of degree programs which include for interest free student loan scheme:
Here is approved degree programs under several filed which you can join to do in different fields.
01.Humanities and Social Science:
Bachelor of Education Honor in English
Bachelor of Education Honor in Biological Science
Bachelor of Education Honors in Physical Science.
Bachelor of Arts in Business Communication
Bachelor of Arts in English
Bachelor of Education Honor in English
Bachelor of Education Honors in Biological Science
Bachelor f Education Honors in Physical Sciences
Bachelor of Education Honors in Information Technology
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Education Honors in English
Bachelors of Education Honors in Physical Science
Bachelors of Education Honors in Biological Science
02. Commerce :
Bachelor of Business Administration (Special) (Honors)
Bachelor of Management Honors in Accounting and Finance
CA Sri Lanka
Bachelors of Science in Applied Accounting (Special)
Bachelors of Science in Applied Accounting (General)
Bachelors of Science (Special) in Banking and Finance
Bachelors of Science (Special) in Regional Science and Planning
Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Logistics and Transportation
Bachelor of Management Honors in Retail Marketing & Branding
Bachelor of Management Honors in Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Management Honors in Tourism and Hospitality Management
Bachelors of Science in Business Management (Human Resource Management)
Bachelors of Management Honours in Marketing
Bacheors of Management Honours in Human Resource
Bachelors of Management Honours in Marketing
Bachelors of Management Honours in Accounting
03. Biological Science
Bachelors of Science Honours Medical Science in KAATSU
Bachelors of Science Honours in Biomedical Science
Bachelors of Science Honours in Medical Science in Acupuncture
Bachelors of Science Honours in Psychology
04. Engineering Technology
Bachelors of Interior Design
Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science Honours Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering in Automotive Engineering
Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering Electronics and Power Systems
Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering in Electronics and Engineering Management
Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications
Bachelor of Technology Honours in Electronics
05. Information and Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Special)
Bachelor of Science in Multimedia
Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems (Special)
Bachelor of Science Honours in Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology Honors in Networking and Mobile Computing
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology and Communication
Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT)
How to apply:
Qualified candidate should submit their application using the web portal www.studentloans.mohe.gov.lk please read the Student Guide Book for more details available in the above web portal.
Contact for More Information’s:
Interest free student loan scheme,
Non-State Higher Education Division,
Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education,
#980/4A , Wickramasinghe Place,
Ethul Kotte
Phone: 011-5115203
Fax : 011-2879719
Email: dsls@mohe.gov.lk
Web: www.mohe.gov.lk